Method: FoundPose+FeatRef

User epi
Training image modalities RGB
Test image modalities RGB

The presented results were achieved by FoundPose with the featuremetric refinement (row 6 of Table 1 in [A]).

In this submission, FoundPose uses default CNOS-FastSAM [B] segmentations provided for BOP'23. For pose estimation, the method uses features from layer 18 of DINOv2 (ViT-L) with registers [C].

Note that FoundPose doesn't do any task-specific training -- it only uses frozen FastSAM (via CNOS) and frozen DINOv2.

[A] Anonymous: FoundPose: Unseen Object Pose Estimation with Foundation Features.

[B] Nguyen et al.: CNOS: A Strong Baseline for CAD-based Novel Object Segmentation, ICCVW 2023.

[C] Darcet et al.: Vision transformers need registers, arXiv 2023.

Computer specifications Tesla P100 16GB

Public submissions

Date Submission name Dataset
2023-11-15 18:05 FoundPose+FeatRef ITODD
2023-11-15 18:14 FoundPose+FeatRef HB
2024-01-27 11:32 FoundPose+FeatRef IC-BIN
2024-01-29 10:49 FoundPose+FeatRef YCB-V
2024-01-29 10:49 FoundPose+FeatRef T-LESS
2024-01-29 10:50 FoundPose+FeatRef TUD-L
2024-01-29 10:51 FoundPose+FeatRef LM-O