Method: MegaPose-CNOS_fastSAM

User agimus-happypose
Publication Labbé et al.: MegaPose: 6D Pose Estimation of Novel Objects via Render & Compare, CoRL 2022
Training image modalities RGB
Test image modalities RGB

This submission was prepared by Mederic Fourmy, Elliot Maître, Lucas Manuelli, Yann Labbé

In this submission, CNOS_fastSAM [A] detections (default detections for Task 4) are used as input to the MegaPose pose estimation method [B].

For each detection, we run the MegaPose coarse network and refine the 1-best coarse estimate with 5 refiner iterations.

The following improvement has been made over the original MegaPose paper [B]:
- The orientation of the coarse hypotheses are obtained my discretizing SO(3) in 576 values using [C].

Instructions to reproduce these results will be made available on

[A] Nguyen et al.: CNOS: A Strong Baseline for CAD-based Novel Object Segmentation, arXiv 2023
[B] Labbé et al.: MegaPose: 6D Pose Estimation of Novel Objects via Render & Compare, CoRL 2022
[C] Yershova et al.: Generating Uniform Incremental Grids on SO(3) Using the Hopf Fibration, IJRR 2009, reference implementation:

This work was granted access to the HPC resources of IDRIS under the allocation 011014301 made by GENCI

Computer specifications NVIDIA Tesla V100 32Go

Public submissions

Date Submission name Dataset
2023-09-04 07:54 - ITODD
2023-09-04 07:54 - HB
2023-09-04 07:53 - LM-O
2023-09-04 07:53 - IC-BIN
2023-09-04 07:53 - T-LESS
2023-09-04 07:53 - TUD-L
2023-09-04 07:53 - YCB-V