Model-based 6D detection of unseen objects – BOP-Classic-Core

This leaderbord shows the overall ranking for Model-based 6D detection of unseen objects on BOP-Classic-Core (LM-O, T-LESS, TUD-L, IC-BIN, ITODD, HB, YCB-V). For each method, the date of the latest considered submission is reported. If more submissions of a method are available for a dataset, the submission with the highest APCore score is considered. The reported time is the average image processing time averaged over the core datasets.

2024-09-26 FreeZe.v2 (SAM6D, Coarse-to-Fine) RGB-D 0.707 0.743 0.601 0.902 0.531 0.573 0.741 0.858 12.860
2024-09-28 Co-op (SAM6D, 5 Hypo) RGB 0.582 0.612 0.579 0.676 0.394 0.497 0.720 0.592 16.699
2024-09-27 GigaPose+GenFlow (1 hypothesis) RGB 0.504 0.554 0.436 0.608 0.353 0.367 0.668 0.546 4.663
2024-09-13 GigaPose+GenFlow (1 hypothesis) (... RGB-D 0.567 0.578 0.467 0.715 0.402 0.447 0.676 0.682 4.490
2024-09-28 Co-op (SAM6D, 5 Hypo, RGBD) RGB-D 0.630 0.656 0.596 0.719 0.369 0.620 0.717 0.730 20.140
2024-09-16 Co-op (SAM6D, Coarse, RGBD) RGB-D 0.666 0.684 0.561 0.854 0.442 0.578 0.744 0.794 0.535
2024-09-28 Co-op (CNOS, 5 Hypo, RGBD) RGB-D 0.618 0.657 0.592 0.685 0.353 0.601 0.713 0.726 22.812
2024-09-28 Co-op (CNOS, 5 Hypo) RGB 0.570 0.606 0.577 0.646 0.375 0.476 0.712 0.594 20.561
2024-09-20 GigaPose+GenFlow (5 hypothesis) RGB 0.575 0.597 0.565 0.688 0.439 0.425 0.707 0.607 15.486
2024-09-18 GigaPose+GenFlow+kabsch (5 hypoth... RGB-D 0.414 0.237 0.526 0.246 0.292 0.525 0.547 0.524 16.557
2024-09-20 FreeZe.v2 (SAM6D) RGB-D 0.750 0.775 0.610 0.975 0.620 0.617 0.782 0.869 55.410
2024-09-18 GigaPose-CVPR24 RGB 0.123 0.062 0.255 0.035 0.057 0.149 0.182 0.125 0.701
2024-09-15 Co-op (CNOS, Coarse) RGB 0.448 0.429 0.501 0.368 0.267 0.362 0.677 0.531 1.347

Tip: Hover over the numbers to see more decimal places.